.:: MaxiSMS ::.
  • CMS (Contact Management System)
  • Adding of a photo to a contact's record
  • Adding an attachment to a contact's record
  • Customising captions for User Defined Fields
  • Selecting of Contacts
  • Preventing "Spam"
  • Two-way Communication
  • Scheduling of SMS's
  • Importing of excisting data
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The powerful database management of the system entitles users to capture all relevent data of their customers . The MaxiSMS dataabase is a comprehensive database with all the database fields you will need to capture all the information on your clients that might be needed. Contacts can be added to different groups. Contacts belonging to a group can easily be filtered and then marked to receive a sms or e-mail.
With the build-in functionality of MaxiSMS you will be able to link a photo
(or any other picture) to your contact's record.
With the build-in functionality of MaxiSMS you will be able to link an attachment to your contact's record. By adding an attachment to a contact's record there are virtually unlimited possibilities what you can do with it. By for instance adding an Excel Spreadsheet to the contact's name, this spreadsheet can act as a link to lots of other documents or pictures.
Captions for User Defined Fields in the database can easily be changed by the user. The own captions will then be available on the data capture screen and on the selecting screen as well as on the data table itself.
By using the powerful selecting function of contacts it is easy to recipients for sending SMS's or e-Mail.
With the build-in functionality of MaxiSMS you will only be able to send SMS's or e-mail to "Opt-In" customers and therefore MaxiSMS will help you not sending "Spam" messages.
Recipients will be able to reply to your SMS's. MaxiSMS keeps record of all your outgoing as well as incoming messages. Thanks to the powerful selection function of messages you will be able identify contacts that wish to "Opt-Out". By only "unchecking" the "SendSMS OK" checkbox you will not be able to send a SMS to this person again, but not losing the contact's information.
With MaxiSMS you can send a message for delivery at any date and time. This is a very nice feature for birthday wishes or as reminders for appointments.
Personalised SMS's Any database field, such as, first name, surname, date of birth etc. can be inserted in the body of the SMS.
Personalised e-Mail Any database field, such as, first name, surname, date of birth etc. can be inserted in the body of the e-Mail.
Using of template messages You can create any number of template messages that can be used at any time. Using templates reduce the time to create new messages drastically. A template message can also contains database fields.
Allows the transmission of
time-sensitive information
You may, for example, wish to reach your customers just before lunch hour (if you have a restaurant) and you want to promote daily specials particularly on slow days of the week.

Thanks to the extremely powerful import function of MaxiSMS, it is very easy to import virtually any excisting datasource into the MaxiSMS database. Data can be imported from text files, Microsoft Excel sheets, Microsoft Access Databases, and from almost any other ODBC datasource.

Contacts can be imported temporarily or permanently. The permanent import can also function as a syncronize function between two datasources.

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